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Organ recital

Organ recital

Music of Eliza Crawly Murden, James Hewitt, and John Zundel

Featuring the exceptional Fantasias of Charles Zeuner preserved in the Library of Congress

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New Explorative Oratorio Festival
to Jul 1

New Explorative Oratorio Festival

  • First Congregational Church of Los Angeles (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the festival you will participate in public performances, enjoy concerts featuring some of LA’s top new music vocalists, collaborate closely with the N.E.O. Voice Festival Ensemble, and attend numerous workshops throughout the week.

Each festival we create an annual major work premiere written and performed by N.E.O. composers and singers. All participants are performers, and as such the Exploratorio teams with creativity flowing through shared community. Composers work with N.E.O. faculty and share with one another to craft entry points into the annual theme.

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The Art of Improvised Counterpoint in Early Modern Italy

The Art of Improvised Counterpoint in Early Modern Italy

— Rescheduled from March 27 —

Lecture recital for the degree of Doctor of Music.

An empirical demonstration of the improvisation didactics of Girolamo Diruta and Adriano Banchieri, as pertains to performers of early music in the twenty-first century. Demonstrations will explore possible applications comprising solo improvisation, fully-realized contrapuntal accompaniment, and the arrangement and expansion of existing polyphony.

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Chorale Settings from the Circle of Max Reger (1873-1916)

Chorale Settings from the Circle of Max Reger (1873-1916)

Works by Reger, his student Johanna Senfter, and his contemporary and rival in virtuosic organ composition, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, all inspired by the tradition of German chorale (hymn) singing. Featuring the “Chorale-Fantasy on Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme op. 52 no. 2.

Part of the Bay Area Sesquicentennial Reger Festival

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Guest lecture, Oberlin Conservatory: "American Organ Music, 1860-1900: Notes on Context, Technique Development, and Performance Practice

Guest lecture, Oberlin Conservatory: "American Organ Music, 1860-1900: Notes on Context, Technique Development, and Performance Practice

The late nineteenth century saw an exponential expansion of the American organ repertory, with method books, treatises, and sophisticated solo repertory being written for the first time by U.S.-born composers and pedagogues.

This lecture-demonstration will provide examples of historical instruments, instruct on the development of period technique, and lay out issues of performance practice relevant to interpretation.

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Musica d’intavolatura

Musica d’intavolatura

Church of the Covenant, Cleveland, OH

Seventeenth century music for organ written in tavolatura: intabulations of Italian madrigals, Frescobaldi’s formidable Toccata nona, and chorale verses by the Braunschwieg virtuoso Delphin Strungk.

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